Spring has SPRUNG with 15 New Tracks!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Wow! Can you believe it? It is finally spring and time to get everything back rolling and producing! We have had some amazing winter nights at church and we're back recording Church on the Rocks each Sunday and showcasing some of the fine expressions of the heart and the fearlessness displayed with each note sung or word spoken!

Check out some of these great tracks, newly added:

"Mary" - performed by Nick Payne
"Tennessee Stud" - performed by Hominy & Grizz w/ Brother John
"Sunlight" - an original song by our own, Trevor "Beecharmer" DeCuir
"Runaway" - an original song by our own Bootlegger, JenRose

...and so, so much more. All of these tracks were recorded this past Sunday @ the Hideaway Saloon (3/23/08)!

And by request, we have added the link back to the homepage for connecting to the internet broadcast stream. Also, if you are have any questions with listening to Church on the Rocks, please don't hesitate to email us and we'll get you squared away!

A big special thanks to all the artists, musicians, poets, bards and other active participants for giving us such a magnificent canvas by which we express our nerd-dom! It truly is a joy!


David said...

Yay! COtR Radio is back!