This Week's Featured Track : The First Noel - Kevin Misan & jkane

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Here at CotR Radio, we don't have any set guidelines on our show's structure and so I thought I'd put up a timely track from a good friend of mine, Kevin Misan (aka Zallaz). He's from the UK and frequently shares his music on the popular composition and collaboration site, He is a wonderfully talented guitar player, composer and producer of his own music. A truly gifted singer, he also knows where to go to find other fine musicians to collaborate with.

In the track that is featured in this week's playlist and in time for the holidays, Zallaz and jkane have collaborated with another iComp (the pet name for the site) and produced "The First Noel". It is uniquely "Euro" and is sure to add a little different spice into our rotation of music from our parishioners of Sunday night!

You can hear more music from Kevin and jkane through and if you haven't ever seen this site, I encourage everyone to check it out. Its a great place to put your music for some very valuable constructive reviews and support.

We look forward to continuing this idea of featuring various people we know and if you have anyone that maybe doesn't attend church, but otherwise shares music, we'd love to hear from you! Or better yet, if you are one of those people, please contact and let's talk!